Exercises for Tight Hip Flexors
Have you tried exercises like the couch stretch for your tight hip flexors and not gotten much out of it? The problem could be that the muscles need to be strengthened instead of stretched. In this video I demonstrate a couple of my favorite training exercises for loading those muscles up and getting them stronger!...
Read MoreHip Mobility Drill – Single Leg Stance Clocking
If you’re looking for more ways to train hip strength and mobility, this clocking drill may be just what you need! It differs from other hip mobility drills in that you are focusing on moving your torso over your hip, versus the other way around. Give it a try and let me know what you...
Read MoreHip Dominant vs. Knee Dominant Movement
Hip dominant vs. Knee dominant movement can be tricky to nail down. Understanding this concept can help with lingering pain in either joint. Check out this quick video to learn an exercise I give to my patients to help them learn how to shift their weight between their knees and hips. It's a great glute...
Read MoreHow to do a proper glute bridge
Hip dysfunction is an extremely common source of low back pain. Imbalances in the muscles of the hip, particularly the glutes and hip flexors, are the cause of recurrent low back issues and need to be addressed in order to provide long-term relief. The glute bridge is an exercise that can implemented to start to...
Read MoreHip Flexor Mobility
This video covers stretching and mobility work for the hip flexor muscle group (psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris). Tightness in these muscles can cause joint restrictions in the hip, decreased functional capacity, and pain! These stretches can help combat some of the tightness that people experience in their hips and low back.
Read MoreHip Stretch
A quick and easy stretch for your hips (piriformis muscle), which can often cause sciatica symptoms.
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