Exercises for Tight Hip Flexors
Have you tried exercises like the couch stretch for your tight hip flexors and not gotten much out of it? The problem could be that the muscles need to be strengthened instead of stretched. In this video I demonstrate a couple of my favorite training exercises for loading those muscles up and getting them stronger!...
Read MoreHip Mobility Drill – Single Leg Stance Clocking
If you’re looking for more ways to train hip strength and mobility, this clocking drill may be just what you need! It differs from other hip mobility drills in that you are focusing on moving your torso over your hip, versus the other way around. Give it a try and let me know what you...
Read MoreFunctional Shoulder Exercise – Stir the Pot
This blog is about a functional shoulder exercise called stir the pot. Watch this video to learn more about this simple exercise for building up strength and coordination of your shoulders. Remember, just because something is simple, doesn't mean it's easy! Doing exercises like this one on a regular basis could help improve the health...
Read MoreThe Ultimate Self Care Package Gift Set
Read ahead to find out what Dr. Steve's ultimate self-care set looks like! Tis' the holiday season, and perhaps you--like many others--are having trouble putting together a gift idea for that special someone or someone's on your giving list. Well have no fear! I will put together a package of my favorite items that every...
Read MoreRange of Motion – What It Is, Why It’s Important, How To Improve It
In this video, Dr. Steve talks about range of motion, and why you should be paying more attention to it. Before you begin on any endeavors to improve range of motion in your joints, it is best to understand some basic concepts about what it is, why it is important, and things to consider about...
Read MoreRolling Exercises
The video in this post follows Dr. Steve as he demonstrates some functional rolling exercises. Give it a watch to find out more. As always, if any exercise causes pain, stop doing it immediately and reach out for help. Rotational movement is essential for moving around our three-dimensional world. We develop our ability to roll...
Read MoreFunctional Shoulder Drills
In this video, Dr. Steve demonstrates some of his favorite band exercises for improving shoulder function. Pressing and pulling are vital functions of the shoulder. When these motions are performed without regard to proper form and shoulder mechanics they can lead to shoulder injury. I put together a simple band exercise which can help you...
Read MoreWhy You Can’t Touch Your Toes
A lot of people come into my office with a side complaint that they've never been able to touch their toes. After a little inspection I often find that it isn't tight hamstrings that are the problem -- though they are often the thing most people feel is wrong. Find out how/why tight hamstrings may...
Read MoreLow Back Pain Stretch – Quadratus Lumborum (QL)
Give this stretch and mobility work a try if you have low back pain! It may help ya out. If not, make an appointment with us to get your pain figured out.
Read MoreDynamic Warm Ups
Dynamic Warm Ups Within the last decade or so, static stretching for preparing for activity has fallen by the wayside, being replaced with what we refer to as a "dynamic warm up." This is mostly due to evidence which has surfaced over the years that link static stretching prior to activity with decreased performance, and...
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