What Your Shoes Can Tell You
In this video we dive into what the wear pattern on your shoes can show you about how you are walking. If you liked it, be sure to click the like button and leave a comment! Looking at the bottoms of your shoes can tell you a lot about what your feet are doing when...
Read MoreCrossfit Open 2017 – 17.3 Recovery Recommendations
Click on the video above to learn how to use the power of your mind to bounce back from the 3rd workout in the 2017 open. If you enjoyed the video, be sure to click the like button and leave a comment! Any movements that cause pain should be stopped immediately and assessed by a...
Read MorePlanking – How To and Not To
Planking is a fantastic exercises for teaching and training yourself for good postural alignment and core strength, which can reduce and prevent back pain! I made a little video about how to do it, how not to do it, and how to make it harder once you start to improve! Give it a watch and...
Read MoreDynamic Warm Ups
Dynamic Warm Ups Within the last decade or so, static stretching for preparing for activity has fallen by the wayside, being replaced with what we refer to as a "dynamic warm up." This is mostly due to evidence which has surfaced over the years that link static stretching prior to activity with decreased performance, and...
Read MoreUsing the Hip Hinge to Prevent Back Pain
Use the simple maneuver outlined in this video when picking things up, or when working at your desk to help prevent back pain!
Read MoreCrossFit Open 2016 – WOD 16.5 Mobility Drills All changes saved
These are great mobility drills to do to make sure you can breathe well while holding the bar in front rack position during 16.5. Good luck with the work out and I hope you enjoyed all the videos for this year's CrossFit open!
Read MoreCrossFit Open 2016 – WOD 16.4 Mobility Drills
Use these mobility drills to prime the pump for this week's CrossFit Open Workout, 16.4! This should help get your back, hips, legs, and shoulders ready to take on the deadlifts, wall ball shots, rowing, and handstand push ups in this WOD.
Read MoreCrossFit Open 2016 – WOD 16.3 Mobility Drills
Do these mobility drills to open your shoulders up for the snatches and bar muscle ups for this work out!
Read MoreCrossFit Open 2016 – WOD 16.2 Mobility Drills (Part 2)
**BE SURE TO WATCH PART 1** : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Ymf... Hip opening drill to prepare for the squat cleans for WOD 16.2 DO WORK
Read MoreStability Exercises – The Pallof Press
A great exercise to progress to after you've mastered the dying bug and quad track exercises. Give it a try!
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