
Full Body Stretch – The Brettzel 1.0 & 2.0

January 5th, 2015

A really quick video to demonstrate one of my all time favorite stretches called the Brettzel! This stretch is great for hitting all the major muscle groups in the anterior and posterior chains and makes a great addition to any cool-down routine.

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Ankle Mobility

December 22nd, 2014

Here are some useful ways to mobilize a tight and restricted ankle joint. The stretches focus mostly on increasing dorsiflexion, which when limited can make it difficult to get into full squat depth. Ankle restrictions can also affect balance, coordination, and shock absorption in the lower extremity. Use these simple exercises to improve your ankle...

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Shoulder Mobility

November 10th, 2014

**SORRY ABOUT THE POOR AUDIO QUALITY** This video covers some simple mobility exercises for the shoulder (glenohumeral) joint. These mobilizations can be helpful for anyone who suffers from occasional shoulder pain and stiffness. It will be especially helpful for athletes and active folks who do a lot of overhead work. Happy mobilizing!

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Thoracic Spine Mobility

September 10th, 2014

Learn how to assess yourself and use a mobility peanut to increase your mid back (thoracic spine) mobility! Restrictions in this part of the body are common from holding a forward slumping posture when we use technology like computers and smart phones. These types of restrictions can make it difficult for weightlifters and CrossFit athletes...

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Hip Flexor Mobility

August 11th, 2014

This video covers stretching and mobility work for the hip flexor muscle group (psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris). Tightness in these muscles can cause joint restrictions in the hip, decreased functional capacity, and pain! These stretches can help combat some of the tightness that people experience in their hips and low back.

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Foam Rolling Basics

July 28th, 2014

This video covers some of the basic recommendations I give my patients for using foam rollers. These are great tools for working out stiff joints and sore muscles. The flow that I go through is a great way to target the majority of your muscles and joints before, or after a workout.

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Hip Stretch

July 21st, 2014

A quick and easy stretch for your hips (piriformis muscle), which can often cause sciatica symptoms.

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