Hip dysfunction is an extremely common source of low back pain. Imbalances in the muscles of the hip, particularly the glutes and hip flexors, are the cause of recurrent low back issues and need to be addressed in order to provide long-term relief.
The glute bridge is an exercise that can implemented to start to address these issues, and is something that I teach nearly all of my patients. While it may appear outwardly straight forward, I can tell you from first hand exeperience that it is an exercise that is often performed incorrectly–to the point of feeding dysfuntion in some cases–making the condition worse.
Teaching these types of things through text is often quite difficult, so I have instead created a quick video that will demonstrate the exercise, common faults, how to correct them, and offer some modifications to make it less, or more difficult.
If you are looking for a chiropractor in Denver, we provide individualized chiropractic treatment plans for your back pain, neck pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, and more! Click this link to go to our scheduling page, or give us a call at (720)263-0594 to schedule an appointment.