
Spine Stability Exercises – Dying Bug

September 8th, 2015

This is a simple spine stability exercise that can be done without any equipment. When done correctly it is a great way for increasing functional movement and improving your posture.

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Spine Stability Exercises – The Quadruped Track

March 5th, 2015

This exercise is part of the progressive rehab program I use here at the clinic. Give it a try!

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Exercise Ball Spine Mobility

January 20th, 2015

If you're looking to get a bit more out of the exercise ball you have laying around at home, then watch this video! I lay out a couple of very simple pelvis mobility exercises that can help with low back stiffness and pain. I also give a quick tip on how you can use the...

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Core Values

May 7th, 2011

Do you have a six pack that has been locked behind the fridge door for longer than you care to admit?  Well it's time to do something about it, and I'm going to tell you why. Sure we can't all achieve the washboard abs that are promised to us by late night infomercials and 'get...

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