With winter setting in, it is important to review a couple of things to keep you injury free and out of pain! The first is proper snow shoveling form. You can read a few tips on how to protect your back while clearing your walk and driveways here.
The second is how to minimize your risk of falling while walking on slippery ice or snow! Take a look at one of my favorite infographics by clicking here.
Lastly, for the first time ever, the WHO has released guidelines for the management of chronic low back pain (which means it lasts longer than three months). Maybe it won’t come as a surprise to you, but spinal manipulation (adjustments) made the list of recommended therapies! Check out what other therapies they recommend AND which ones they recommend avoiding, here.
If you have managed to hurt yourself while navigating the winter wonderland and need a chiropractor, we are here to help! Set up an appointment with us today!