Neck Pain
A new article from The Annals of Internal Medicine (AIM) that focused on the effectiveness of various treatments for neck pain is getting a lot of press these days, so I figured it was a good time to talk a little bit about various aspects of this condition. Neck pain is a fairly common complaint...
Read MoreStrains and Sprains
Sure we have all heard these terms before, but do you really know what they mean? When to try self-care versus seeking care? How to avoid these types of injuries in the first place? By the end of this article you will. Strains are a term used to designate the over stretching or tearing of...
Read MoreGraston Soft Tissue Manipulation
Instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation (IASTM) has been around in some form or another going back as far as ancient Chinese medicine known as Gua Sha. The premise is to utilize some sort of tool to get to tissue layers that are otherwise inaccessible to the practitioner using only their hands. Graston® Technique utilizes six...
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